
Truck Mounted Attenuators

Scorpion’s truck mounted attenuators have a modular design and has an unbeatable standard of performance.

The Scorpion truck mounted attenuators are designed to save lives in your work zone. They consist of strut and cartridge sections that are linked together on a support frame. The curved side rails are made from corrosion resistant aluminum tubes, which offer full width impact protection along the entire length of the unit. The side rails were designed to re-direct errant vehicles away from the rear of the truck (coffin corner). Other manufacturers’ models have little or no side-angle impact protection.

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The aluminum boxes are filled with a moisture proof, aluminum honeycomb material. The boxes, together with the curved side rails, absorb the energy from an impacting vehicle. The aluminum boxes are painted with a bright yellow powder-coated finish, for lasting durability.

The TrafFix Devices’ Scorpion TMA has been tested and has PASSED ALL optional and mandatory requirements suggested in the NCHRP-350 Report for TL-3. Additionally, the Scorpion TMA has passed the UKTD49, 68 mph test. The Scorpion TMA has successfully passed a “worse case” side angle re-directive impact test – this goes beyond all governmental testing requirements. Full details available upon request.

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