Both flat and extruded signs are available in 6″ and 9″ heights with lengths varying from 18″ to 54″ depending on the amount of text needed. Flat signs are also available in 8” height. Custom metro sizes also available.
Street name signs are printed on the highest-grade material to ensure that they do not chip, rust, or fade season after season.
NOTE: You should always refer to your local DOT guidelines and city requirements when installing traffic control devices.
Click here to see recommended hardware.
Tips on Constructing Street Name Signs
The brighter the reflective sheeting and the larger the sign panel, the better. Best contrast colors for both day and night are White characters on a Green or Blue background.
Common rule of thumb: One inch of letter height for each 40 to 50 feet of legibility distance. Optimal letter height is 6″ or more. Letter fonts vary by stroke width and letter width from Series B (thinnest) to Series E modified (thicker and wider). Standard specifications call for Series B name and Series C suffix.
Note: One 4-way unit for two intersecting streets requires:
- Two double-faced street name signs
- One cap to fit appropriate post
- One 90 degree cross to separate signs
- One compliant post break-away system