Speed Reduction
Do you have a unique problem requiring a traffic calming solution? NHP Excels in speed reduction solutions for all situations.
Speed Reduction or Reduced Speed Ahead Signs warn motorists of upcoming speed limit reductions. These signs are used when engineering judgment deems them necessary for compliance with the reduced speed limit. Some factors taken into consideration when deciding if Reduced Speed Ahead Signs are needed include how far in advance speed limit signs can be seen and how much the speed is being reduced.
- Radar speed trailers – sales and rentals
- Driver feedback signs with speed collection software – permanent and portable
- Traffic calming bumps, humps and rumble strips
- Static and LED stop / slow paddles
Featured Products
Flashing Sign Systems
SafePath Wrong Way Driving Technology
Radar Data Collectors
Protected: Armadillo® Crossfire Multilane Traffic Collector
Radar Data Collectors
Protected: Armadillo® Tracker Traffic Collector
Radar Data Collectors
Protected: Houston Radar SpeedLane® Pro
Contact our Sales team today to discuss your project! Call 800.338.5685 or email sales@nationalhighway.com